BLAG's Top Ten for 2023, and Reflections on the Year
Round-up of the year's most popular articles from the adventures in sign painting at online.

2023 was my first full calendar year working on BLAG, having launched in April 2022. It's now four issues in, and things have grown, with the introduction of online events, the expansion of the shop, a bigger format for the magazine itself, and the inclusion of a special gift inside each issue.
All of this is made possible by those that pay for my work, and I'm happy to have welcomed more than 200 new members to our adventures in sign painting over the last twelve months. I'm looking forward to the next year, and continuing to steadily grow and connect the community through the publication.
Top Ten 2023
Just like last year, I've worked through the analytics to identify the ten most viewed articles at online. Strictly this should include pieces relating to BLAG back issues, but I've omitted these to keep the focus on stand-alone articles.
It's been a pleasure to publish a variety of new contributors this year, and these are represented in the top ten below, which is once again dominated by the Learning and People categories. (For those that are following it, the third instalment of the Arthur Gill story is now available to listen to.)
While some of the other categories might not feature in the top ten, I will continue to maintain the breadth of what's published, as well as the international focus; both are important to me and what I'm doing with the publication.
So, without further ado, here are the top ten online articles for 2023, in reverse order...
10. Three Alphabets by Joe Ferry
In addition to his piece on original Letterhead John Frazier, Mark Oatis introduced the work of Joe Ferry via three alphabets that he painted in 1978. Each one is available as a PDF download for practise.

9. Tools of the Trade: Test Driving LetterArt's Flats
In his first brush review for BLAG, Studio Sign Co.'s Nick Lee tried out the new sable blend and synthetic brushes from LetterArt. (See also last week's review of the new Flying Squirrel 925 series.)

8. How to Prepare MDO Plywood for Sign Painting
Agustin McCord at Magic 8 Ball Signs gave a lesson in providing hand-painted signs with the best possible foundation; one that he was taught by Los Angeles Trade Tech's Doc Guthrie (RIP).

7. Where Can I Learn the Craft of Sign Painting?
This is a frequently asked question, so it was good to bring together everything I know in one place. The extended feature covers workshops, apprenticeships, Letterheads events, online courses, and more. (Check the event listings for the latest schedule of worldwide happenings.)

6. The Apprentice: Colossal Style
Apprenticeships are few and far between these days, but Brooklyn's Colossal Media have a formal programme that is turning out a new generation of wall dogs. We got to see behind the scenes, and meet some of the apprentices and graduates from the programme.

5. The Basics of Letter Shades: Left, Right, Up and Down
This primer from Erwin Indrawan covers a variety of lettering styles and how to add shades to them. It also details important considerations in each case, to explain why, as well as how.

4. Doc Guthrie: A Tribute
It's difficult to overstate the impact of Doc Guthrie's teaching at Los Angeles Trade Tech. The tribute here tried to capture this, and the countless lives he touched.

3. Reflections on the Impact of Sign Painters, Ten Years Later
Sign Painters (2013) introduced a new wave of craftspeople to the trade, and it was an honour to host a 10th anniversary screening back in March. This was accompanied by an article reflecting on the role that the film has played, and continues to play, across the globe.

2. An Introduction to Quick Showcard Lettering, Norwegian Style
After the work on Signpainters Don't Read Signs, another opportunity to reproduce a rare book came from Norway in the form of Ny Skriftbok for Hurtigtegning av Plakater (New Lettering Book for the Quick Drawing of Showcards) by Kåre Madsen.

1. Dapper Signs: Sign Painter, Human, Legend
As I was jotting down 2023's top posts, I got a strange sense of deja vu and, sure enough, it was Dapper Signs' Faux Neon article that took top spot in 2022. Legends never die, and my tribute to Cooper is here. BLAG 04 is also dedicated to him, including a reproduction of his Faux Neon article in print.

Make it a Top 20
And, as a small bonus, here are the articles that came in places 11–20.
11. The Magic of Mr Masking, Costa Rica's King of Tape

12. Signpainters Don't Read Signs by Syl Ehr

13. Tips for Left-Handed Sign Painters from Larry Stammers

14. What a Ride: The Wonderful World of Sign Painter Vehicles
15. How to Paint Touriga Casual with Fernando Mello's Reference Sheet

16. Grierson Gower's Treasure Trove of Antique and Vintage Signs

17. That Saturday Afternoon Jaunt with John Frazier, Original Letterhead

18. Enjoy a Free Fileteado Porteño Lesson from Gustavo Ferrari

19. Sonic Sign Painters: Ten Podcasts For Your Enjoyment

20. Paying Respect to the Vintage Pausrädchen (Pounce Wheel)

Top Ten 2022