History The Inn Signs Exhibition of 1936 The signs and sign painters that fired up the public's imagination in this one-of-a-kind exhibition.
People Ye Olde Sign Shoppe: George Biles, King of Signwriters The diverse and prolific output of sign painter George Biles and his Bridport Signs Service Studios.
Events 'Martre' Brings the French Connection to the Letterheads Sign painters from across France gather, and compete, in Brittany at the inaugural Martre event.
Events Watch the Recordings from BLAG Meet: Inside Issue 04 Over ten hours of talks, interviews, studio visits, and demonstrations from contributors to BLAG 04.
People 60 Years On the Brush: The Barker Signs Story Maurie Barker founded Barker Signs in 1964, with his daughter Liane now keeping things hand-painted.
Events Meet the Letterheads: Keeping the Craft Alive The Letterheads movement continues to go from strength to strength as it nears its 50th anniversary.
Events Sign Painting in the Sun: Benelux Letterheads 2023 Sign painting, panel jamming, and more photos from the Benelux Letterheads sign painters gathering.
Events ABC (Always Be Copying): Reproductive Power from Mexico Introducing Mexico's Reproduction and Distribution Network, and their Lettering Workshop.
Events Watch the Free Recordings from BLAG Meet: Inside Issue 03 Signs, sign painting, and more in these free event recordings from BLAG Meet: Inside Issue 03.
Events The Sky's the Limit: A Chat with Right Way Signs Recording of Right Way Signs' BLAG Chat about their niche of massive hand-painted roof signs.
Learning Where Can I Learn the Craft of Sign Painting? Overview of workshops, courses, apprenticeships, and places to learn the craft of sign painting.
Events Signs of the Seaside: Coastal Lettering and Typography Original artefacts and contemporary work explore the typographic vernacular of the English seaside.
Events Straddling the Globe: Letterheads at Dingles and Down Under Sign painters gather for Letterheads meets in Sydney and at Dingles Fairground Heritage Museum.
Events On the Brush with Barbara Enright and Carla Hackett Recording of Barbara Enright and Carla Hackett's BLAG Chat and brush lettering demonstration.
Films Reflections on the Impact of Sign Painters, Ten Years Later Sign Painters' stars reflect on its influence, alongside those whose sign painting lives it changed.
Events Letterheads New Zealand Celebrate Their 25th Anniversary Letterheads New Zealand get back to the business of sign painting for meet number 25 in Wellington.
Events Walldogging Galore at the MuralFest In The Dalles, Oregon The Walldogs painted 17 murals celebrating the city, history and people of The Dalles, Oregon.
Events A Steamy Letterheads in Helsinki, Finally... Sign painters at Helsinki Letterheads were given the five-star treatment with a sauna and a hot tub.