History Ye Olde Sign Shoppe: Denmark's Adolf Andersen A remarkable archival collection reveals the story of Danish sign painter Adolf Andersen.
Books Bonus Material from BLAG 02: Exclusive to Members Exclusive bonus material for subscribers to BLAG (Better Letters Magazine), building on the articles and features in Issue 02.
Projects Poetic Painting on the River Leie in Ghent Maarten Leenknecht and Michel Steppe bring back the lines first painted for a 1999 poetry festival.
People Grierson Gower's Treasure Trove of Antique and Vintage Signs A look inside the home of Grierson Gower, and his vast collection of antique and vintage signs.
History Ernie Harrison and His Fearless Crew of Lincoln Painters Under the leadership of Ernie Harrison, the Arthur B. Wright decorating firm scaled new heights.
History Carga Máxima and the Sign Painting Styles of Lima, Peru How regulatory signs on goods vehicles gave birth to Lima's Carga Máxima sign painting style.
Projects Behind the Panel: Alf Becker at Lockdown Letterheads Alf R. Becker's alphabets and the inspiration for Mark Oatis' Lockdown Letterheads panel.
Books Signpainters Don't Read Signs by Syl Ehr Signpainters Don't Read Signs (1957) by Syl Ehr, reissued in print, and as a digital download.
History Sign Painting the Horror of the Belsen Concentration Camp The sign painting work of Reginald Price commemorating the dead at Belsen concentration camp.
Books This is How Signs in London's Heyday Were Painted Full text and accompanying images from the 'Sign Production' chapter of Ghost Signs: A London Story.
History Messages Made to Last: Painted Ceramic Advertising Murals A whistle-stop tour of Europe's key locations for painted ceramic advertising and decorative murals.
Places Rótulos of Cuauhtémoc: The Whitewashing of Vernacular Signs in Mexico City The food stalls in Cuauhtémoc are having their hand-painted signs erased by order of the mayor.
History Ye Olde Sign Shoppe: Smeed's Smart Signs The story of Smeed's Smart Signs in Herne Bay, Kent, and its surviving gilded glass shopfront.
Films Face in the Sky (1933) Video of Face in the Sky (1933), the adventures of two traveling sign painters who find an unexpected passenger in their van.
People Juan 'el Petudo': Sign Painting King of La Palma Barely known outside of the Canary Islands, Juan Santana Martin was a renowned local sign painter, leaving a lasting legacy.
Places Vintage Sign Painter Kits at the American Sign Museum Sign painter kits on show at the American Sign Museum, including a new late-19th century acquisition.
History Art Deco Inspiration to "Modernize Main Street" Art Deco sign and lettering inspiration from 1935 architectural competition, "Modernize Main Street".
History Football’s Awesome Tifos The story of the huge hand-painted banners created by football fans around the world, aka 'Tifos'.