Lockdown Letterheads
Lockdown Letterheads, online sign painting and lettering event, hosted by Better Letters, 6–7 June 2020.

Lockdown Letterheads was an online Letterheads meet held worldwide via Zoom across 6–7 June 2020 with 1,085 attendees from 54 countries participating. Work created for the event can be browsed via the @LockdownLetterheads Instagram.

Thank you to everyone that attended, and to the volunteers and organisations that made this ambitions experiment possible. Here are some of the recordings from the event which the session hosts have kindly allowed to be published here.
Noel B. Weber: Home Studio Tour and Sketch Demo
Vintage Viennese Sign Books
Blending Demonstration
Better Letters Quiz
Here is an article written about the event by organiser Sam Roberts for Issue 40 of Forum, journal of the Letter Exchange.

Hosting & Facilitation Team
Anna Frederick; Sophia Kendall-Chahine; Alice Mazzilli; Marie Pischel; Eduardo Roisman; Beccy Roberts; Sam Roberts; Juan Manuel Sanchez; Christine Sejean; Dale Walker; Craig Winslow.
Session Leaders
Alphabetics Anonymous; A.S. Handover; Paul Antonio; Liane Barker; Better Letters; Francesca Biasetton; The Blackboard Artist; Bold Statements; Brighton Calligraphy; Brush & Pen Studio; Calligraphy Masters; Jason Carne; Stephen Coles; El Deletrista; Barbara Enright; European Lettering Institute; Gustavo Ferrari; Ferrari Fileteados; Ghostsigns; Jolien Goemaere; Megan Maksimovich Goodenough; Greater Opacity; Filipe Grimaldi; Carla Hackett; Hana Sunny Studio; Jay Holland; Sarah Hyndman; Helen Ingham; Irregular Signs; Italian Calligraphy Association; Joluvian; Victor Kams; Adam Romuald Kłodecki; Tom Koch; Letter Exchange; Letterform Archive; Lettering Library; Alice Mazzilli; Peter McKearnan; Mike Meyer; Rachel Neilson; The Neon Museum Las Vegas; New Bohemia Signs; Michelle Nguyen; Mark Oatis; People’s History Museum; Adrian Perez; Nicole Arnett Phillips; Marie Pischel; Chiara Riva; Sam Roberts; Carl Rohrs; Andrea Russo; Archie Saladin; Josef Samuel; Alfredo Sannoner; Schildermalermuseum; Helen Shadow; Signs by Meng; Pieter Snijders; Damon Styer; Scott Thiessen; Michael Tilley; Jake Tyler; Tyler & Co. Type Tasting; TYPOgraphHQ; Nicoló Visioli; Mia Warner; Noel B. Weber; Hana Sunny Whaler; Mark Wilson; Craig Winslow; Charlotte Wormley-Healing; Bryan Yonki.
Sketch Notes
Heather Martinez and Ben Tinker.
Letterheads Legacy
2020 marked 45 years since the first Letterheads meets in Denver Colorado. To understand some of the historical context, Mark Oatis’ 1985 article from Signs of the Times provides a timeless account of what the Letterheads is all about.

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