Roses Are Red: A Narrowboat Tradition with Ginny Barlow
Video demonstration of painting roses in the narrowboat style, including comments on their history.

In November, Ginny Barlow (@barlow.ginny) treated us to a practical demonstration of painting a variety of roses in the British narrowboat tradition. The recording of the session is now available to watch below, and includes an illustrated overview of the history of the craft.
"Thank you Ginny, That was brilliant." — Attendee comment
In addition, here are some links and resources that complement the session.
Tools & Materials
The following are the main tools and materials that Ginny references in the video, and alternatives for those outside the UK.
- Alvin 'Superflex'
- Handover 2112 Series of chisel sable writers
- Handover Series K synthetic sable writers, also available as flats
- Mack range of lettering quills
- Craftmaster decorative flats
- Ronan Japan colours
Further Reading
In addition to this lovely photo essay of Phil Speight* working, here are some books for those interested in learning more about the history, practice, and techniques associated with the narrowboat tradition.
*Phil Speight was recently awarded an MBE "in recognition of his unparalleled craftsmanship and tireless work in ensuring his skills are passed on to future generations".
- The Art of the Narrow Boat Painters by A.J. Lewery

- Flowers Afloat by A.J. Lewery (look for secondhand copies)
- Colours of the Cut by Edward Paget-Tomlinson
- From Stem to Stern by John M Hill (look for secondhand copies)
- Roses & Castles by Jane Marshall
The Recording
Here is the recording of Ginny's session, with a run time of just over two hours. In it she paints a full decorative panel filled with roses, talking through each stage of the process. I have also included a gallery of the photos that Ginny shares in her presentation that introduces the decorative tradition of narrowboat painting, and its iconic roses in particular.