Copyright and Licensing: A Brief Guide for Sign Painters

Practical guidance for sign painters to protect copyright and earn licensing income from their work.

Magazine spread with mixture of text and illustration, photographed on a bright yellow surface.
'Copyright and Licensing: A Brief Guide for Sign Painters' in BLAG 01.

Issue 01 of BLAG (Better Letters Magazine) featured an article on copyright and licensing, with a focus on what these concepts mean for sign painters. The piece was produced in collaboration with the Association of Illustrators (AoI), and I have added some further links and resources for its online reproduction here.

During Letterheads 2018: London Calling, the Association of Illustrators (AoI) gave a short business masterclass. One participant said this was worth the entry fee alone. The AoI’s recent #KeepYourCopyright campaign has put the subject of copyright in focus again, and there are some important lessons for sign painters.

#KeepYourCopyright campaign illustration by Olivier Heiligers (@olivierheiligers)