Ye Olde Sign Shoppe: George Biles, King of Signwriters
The diverse and prolific output of sign painter George Biles and his Bridport Signs Service Studios.

In August 2024, Bridport hosted a very special show: George Biles: King of Signwriters. It was a retrospective exhibition about this prolific local sign painter, including a significant portion of his work for the local Palmers Brewery.

The exhibition was brought together by Jemma Thompson with support from Palmers Brewery, Bridport Town Council, and a grant from the National Lottery Heritage Fund. It was set across multiple sites and examined Biles' process in addition to numerous examples of his diverse output.

Work by George Biles: piles of hanging signs for Palmers Brewery; a drawing; and a scenic painting from the local theatrical group.
I had been keenly following developments, and was curious to learn more about Biles' life story, which has resulted in the following brief biography. After this is a reproduction of an article—'The Art of the Modern Signwriter'—that was published about Biles and his shop in 1932.
George Biles: King of Signwriters
Frederick George Eveleigh Biles was born on 1st July 1900. His father was Frederick Biles, a groom, and his mother was Susanna Jerred Eveleigh Biles. He was married in 1926 to Hilda May Kirk (latterly Hilda May Biles), and worked as a signwriter, pictorial artist, decorator, calligrapher and illuminator for his whole life.

Biles began his apprenticeship in 1914 at Barrett & Sons, a firm of painters, glaziers, house decorators, carvers, gilders, and picture dealers. The firm was run by Frederick Barrett, and later his son Phillip Frederick Barrett, at 50 East Street in Bridport.

Biles continued to work with Barrett & Son until the 1920s, but by 1924 he was running a business in partnership with Albert Cast, whose family ran a well-established firm with two Bridport locations at 71 East Street and 20b Barrack Street. He went on to become the sole proprietor of the firm, presumably following Cast’s retirement, and the business was renamed Bridport Signs Service Studios.
Biles’ output involved a wide range of skills, from lettering to pictorial work to gilding, and his clientele came from far beyond Bridport itself. In addition to painting signs of all kinds, he turned his hand to murals, fine art painting, and theatre backdrops, including for pantomime.

Some of Bile's decorative panels at the Bridport Electric Palace. Photos by Tim Booth.
The local Palmers Brewery were a client of Biles’ for most of his nearly 70-year career. He had other breweries on his books, but his work for Palmers is remarkable in that many of the swing signs he painted have been kept by the brewery. These include numerous examples of his propensity for painting different pictorials on each side, rather than replicating the same one.

George Biles at work, and with an almost-finished hanging sign for the Marquis of Lorne pub, which is just outside of Bridport.
Some of Biles' other notable jobs included a large-scale painting of the inside of Noah’s Ark for a private client, and a portrait of Winston Churchill painted during the war to assist with fundraising during ‘Salute the Soldier Week’. The firm also produced a manuscript on vellum in 1953, which was presented to Princess Margaret on her visit to Bridport to mark 700 years since the granting of the town’s charter. This also included pictorial elements around the edges.

Biles employed two assistants in his studio, and trained them both. One of these, James (Jimmy) Hallett, left the firm after 46 years of service, and was still working as a sign painter on his own account when Biles died in December 1987.

Further Reading
- The English Pub (1985) by Andy Whipple and Rob Anderson
- Dorset Pubs and Breweries (2009) by Tim Edgell
The Art of the Modern Signwriter
This article appeared in Town and Country News on 8 July 1932. I have transcribed it for posterity.

Signwriting, paradoxically, derives from a period when the majority of people could not read. It was the prevailing illiteracy of the Middle Ages which led to the evolution of heraldry and of the pictorial signs which then hung not only outside inns but in front of every place where goods were sold. In course of time, as education spread, a legend added to the picture became more and more common, until to-day the pure notice-board type of signwriting is as much favoured as the pictorial variety.
Few people realise how much scope there is for the artist in this class of work. Some of the inn-signs, both ancient and modern, which are to be found up and down the country, are real works of art. There is evidence that this is a reviving craft, and it will be well for England if it is. More signs of the right type, replacing the ugly mass-produced varieties, would go far towards giving us a brighter town and country.
Recently we dropped into the studio of some well known West Country signwriters and decorators, Messrs. Cast and Biles, of 71 East Street, Bridport, in Dorset. Mr. F. G. Biles was apprenticed in 1914 and ten years later founded this business on his own account. There is a wide demand for his services all over the surrounding countryside and he covers, with the help of his assistants whom he has trained himself, a large area embracing Bournemouth, Honiton and Taunton. He contracts mainly to the trade.

Inn-signs are a prominent feature of his work. These he paints to his own original designs, and some of them are strikingly beautiful. They suggest a return to the old tradition of fine inn-signs which were often painted by passing artists in lieu of payment for their entertainment. Not that the firm, of course, works on this somewhat unbusinesslike basis!
The firm undertakes a good deal of decorative work, and Mr. Biles is very clever in his treatment of churches, cafés and cinemas. At the moment he is engaged on a set of ten decorative panels for the Bridport Electric Palace which his firm has recently decorated. These panels show pastoral scenes painted in pastel shades and they give the place an air of luxurious restfulness.
Scenic painting is a speciality. In addition there is a great amount of the usual day-to-day work, such as lettering for motor-vans and the like. Some indication of the volume of work done is given by the face that last year Mr. Biles and his assistants used over 20,000 leaves of gold leaf for lettering alone. Even so, he never seems to get stale, and all his work has the authentic touch of the artist and craftsman, distinguishing it from anything cheap and shoddy.
George Biles: King of Signwriters
George Biles: King of Signwriters ran in Bridport from 1–29 August 2024.

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