Chain Letter: Alex May Hughes
Sign painter, glass gilder, and Simpsons fanatic Alex May Hughes shares lettering that has inspired her.

Chain Letter invites a sign painter or lettering artist to share a piece of lettering that has influenced or inspired them, before passing the baton to someone else, in a never-ending chain.
In the last one, Mike Meyer nominated Alex May Hughes, a sign painter, glass gilder, and Simpsons fanatic from West London.
What have you selected?
I’ve selected two tobacco mirrors. My dad found and salvaged them from an abandoned sweet shop in South Manchester when he was there studying. They were originally part of a larger 7ft (2.1m) tall mirror but had been damaged. He had the fragments cut down and later framed them when he had a picture framing business in Farringdon. Unfortunately, I don’t know who made them or an accurate date of production.*