BLAG 07: Pre-Order Now

Issue 07 of BLAG (Better Letters Magazine) celebrates 50 years of the Letterheads movement — think all your regular BLAG content, but with an IOAFS twist.

The issue will launch at the anniversary meet at the American Sign Museum, 20–22 June 2025, and if you're not already a member, you can pre-order it in the online shop.

BLAG 07 will have an extra 48 pages versus previous issues and a limited edition commemorative poster as a coverwrap.

Thank you to everyone that has contributed; I am beyond excited to see this in print in June.

I will keep this page updated as the project progresses, and will also issue periodic news via the free mailing list.

Pre-Order / Patronise / Sponsor

To help me gauge the required print run, I'm making BLAG 07 available for pre-order. There are also options to sponsor or patronise the special issue on a one-off basis.

The BLAG Shop details each of these options, and what is included in them.

Host a Mini Meet

The anniversary event is now sold out, but people are starting to plan for parallel mini meets around the world on the same weekend, 20–22 June. This has been triggered by my email about a crazy idea I had a couple of years ago.

The seven original Letterheads, Denver 1985. From left: Bob Mitchell, Mark Oatis, John Frazier, Mike Rielley, Noel Weber, Earl Vehill, Rick Flores. (The women are currently unidentified.)