Brilliant Signs: "A Passion for Craft"

The Brilliant Sign Co. Ltd was once the world’s biggest sign maker. Evidence of their work remains on shop fascias around London, given away by the small signature often added in the bottom right corner. The company went out of business but has recently been revived by husband and wife team, Ashley and Sarah Bishop. This video from Creative Review showcases some of their work, entirely fitting the Brilliant name.

In the piece above they are working on a fanlight for my home in London which I can’t wait to see. It rounds off a year since I first got to know Ashley and I owe a massive thanks to him. He has been responsible for pushing me to follow my passion for hand-painted signs and lettering. I wouldn’t be where I am at the end of 2014 without him doing so. Here’s why…

Ashley Bishop’s signwriting on the flyer for the London screenings of Sign Painters.

Ashley was responsible for getting me to pull my finger out and screen Sign Painters back in February, which in turn led to organising the first Better Letters workshop with Mike Meyer. 15 more workshops have followed, most recently the classical hand-lettering masterclass with David Kynaston.

Ashley Bishop at work on a glass piece at Mazeppa Mardi Gras in March 2014.

The first workshop back in February was quickly followed by my first Letterheads meet in Mazeppa, and then another in Rochester. I’m now hooked and looking forward to many more meets to come.

At work on the faux ghostsigns for Coca-Cola. Photo: acrylicize / Nikhilesh Haval.

Ashley has also been involved in a number of Better Letters commissions, most notably the work on the interior of the new Coca-Cola head quarters in London. He also contributed three stunning pieces to the Hand Jobs project.

D by Ashley Bishop. As featured in the Hand Jobs project.

Thank you Ashley for everything. Here’s wishing you and Brilliant Signs all good things for 2015.

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