Peeling Back the Layers of Chrystel Crickx's Typographic Legacy

Chrystel Crickx's novel contribution to lettering and type history is celebrated in a new book.

Letters cut out of cardboard and arranged in a line with a large 'R' and 'S' followed by a smaller 'R'.
Master letters from Chrystel Crickx's Publi Fluor shop in Brussels.

Serendipity is a wonderful thing, and at last year's Benelux Letterheads I received a message from Olivier Bertrand (@surfacesutiles) about a book he was working on. It's subject is Chrystel Crickx, who just happened to ply her unique lettering trade in Brussels.

Seizing the moment, we lined up an impromptu visit from fellow Crickx Research Group member David Le Simple to talk to the assembled Letterheads about this one-of-a-kind 'typographic letterer'. I've kept in touch with Olivier, and the book project, ever since, and am delighted to share this preview of what's inside.

Woman looking at a wall adorned with colourful letters mounted to form a wall display showing their availability in different sizes.
Chrystel Crickx inside her Publi Fluor shop in Schaerbeek (Brussels) in the late 1990s.